Ash Township Assessor

Assessor Hours: Monday – 9:00 am to 3:30 pm


Chris Renius & Stephanie Renius


Phone: 734-654-6992 ext 8

Please call ahead to confirm they are in the office, their position does require them to go out in the field to work.


Ash Township 2 Year ECF Analysis & Determinations & Land Value Analysis and Determinations 4/01/2022 thru 03/31/2024

Table of Content

Table 1

Table 2

Table 3

Table 4

Table 5 

Table 6 

Table 7

Table 8                                                  

Table 9

Table 10

Table 11                                                                   Table 20

Table 12                                                                   Table 21

Table 13                                                                   Table 22

Table 14                                                                   Table 23

Table 15                                                                   Table 24      

Table 16                                                                  

Table 17                                                                   

Table 18                                                                  

Table 19

Ash Township’s Assessing Department

Mission Statement: The Ash Township Assessor’s Mission is to establish and maintain the valuation of all properties within the Township. The use and distribution of this information provides and indirect benefit to any individual who wishes to buy, sell or finance property in Ash Township. The valuation of all township properties is an annual procedure. The effective date for establishing values of properties is December 31 of the current year.

The Assessor’s Office is responsible to carry out the state mandate of physically inspecting all properties in the Township. Inspections include measuring the structures on the property, verifying with the owner, when possible, and information about the property, verifying with the owner, when possible, information about the property, taking digital photos, checking the land description and entering the data into the computer. The Assessor has three basic duties:

  1. Inventory and list all property within Ash Township.
  2. Equitable evaluate taxable property.
  3. Calculate the taxable value for every taxable piece of property.

See us for: Section Maps, capped Values, Taxable Values, Equalized Values, Property Descriptions, Property Sales and Listing, Property Status/Location, Industrial Facility Tax Exemption, Appraisal Study, board of Review and other information.

Call on us, we’re here to help!


Chris Renius

Township Assessor

Board of Review

Membership: Paid three (3) member appointed board serving two (2) year terms.

Meetings: Meets in March and possibly July and December

Committee Members as of January 2025:


Jim Geiermann


Greg Baker

Jennifer Willis