Township Board
Ash Township is a General Law Township. The Township Government is conducted by a board consisting of five members. The officers of the board are designated as Supervisor, Clerk, Treasurer, and two Trustees, which are all elected by the residents of the Township for a term of four years. The terms commence at 12:00 p.m., November 20, following the November general election.
Ash Township Supervisor
Robin Carmack
Ash Township Clerk
Michele Geiermann
Ash Township Treasurer
Rob Schock
Ash Township Trustee
Tina Richardson
Ash Township Trustee
Adam Grabetz
Ash Township Board Meeting Dates for 2025
January 15/February 19/ March 19/April 16/May 21/June 18/July 16/August 20/September 17/October 15/ November 19/December 18
The Ash Township Board meets on the third Wednesday of each month, at 5:30 p.m., at the Township Hall, located at 1677 Ready Rd., Carleton, MI . All regular and special meetings of the Township Board are open to the public according to Michigan’s Open Meetings Act (Public Act 267 of 1976, MCL 15.261).
Additional meetings will be held when necessary.
Ash Township Planning Commission Meeting Dates for 2025
January 14/February 18/March 18/April 15/May 20/June 17/July 15/August 19/September 16/October 14/November 18/December 17
The Ash Township Planning Commission meets on the third Tuesday of each month, at 6:30 p.m., at the Township Hall, located at 1677 Ready Rd., Carleton MI
Ash Township Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting Dates for 2025
January 7/February 4/March 4/April 1/May 6/June 3/July 1/August 5/September 2/October 7/November 4/December 2.
The Ash Township Zoning Board of Appeals meets on the first Tuesday of each month, at 6:30 p.m., at the Township Hall, located at 1677 Ready Rd., Carleton MI
Note: If any of the above meeting dates should fall on a holiday, the meeting will be rescheduled for the following day at the same time and location.
“Reasonable auxiliary aids and services to individuals with disabilities will be provided at the meeting upon one week’s notice. Individuals with disabilities requiring auxiliary aids or services should contact Ash Township by writing 1677 Ready Road, Carleton, Michigan 48117 or calling 734-654-6992. Information used at this meeting is available in large type or tape if requested in advance.”
Observed Holiday’s
Ash Township recognizes 12 holidays each year, for which the offices will be closed. They are as follows:
New Years Day
January 1
Martin Luther King Day
Third Monday in January
Presidents Day
Third Monday in February
Good Friday
Date Closed Determined by Township
Memorial Day
Date Closed Determined by Township
Independence Day
Date Closed Determined by Township
Labor Day
Date Closed Determined by Township
Columbus Day
Second Monday in October
Veterans Day
Thanksgiving Day
Thanksgiving Day
Thanksgiving Friday
Friday Following Thanksgiving
Christmas Eve
December 24
Christmas Day
December 25
New Years Eve
December 31